• Tue. May 14th, 2024

What Is Passport Advantage Agreement


Mar 31, 2022

Passport Advantage Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you are in the business of buying, using, or reselling IBM software products, then you may have heard of the Passport Advantage Agreement. This agreement is a comprehensive licensing program from IBM that simplifies and streamlines the procurement and management of software licenses.

What is the Passport Advantage Agreement?

The Passport Advantage Agreement is a global licensing program, providing IBM software products, updates, and support services to customers. It offers a flexible and simplified way of purchasing software licenses and managing software assets. It is designed for organizations of all sizes and types, taking into account the varying needs of customers.

What are the benefits of Passport Advantage?

The Passport Advantage Agreement offers various benefits to customers, including:

1. Simplified purchasing: The agreement provides a single point of entry for IBM software products, updates, and support services.

2. Flexible licensing options: Customers have the option to choose between perpetual and subscription licenses, enabling them to align licensing with their business needs.

3. Volume pricing discounts: Customers who purchase large quantities of software products are eligible for volume pricing discounts, which can result in significant cost savings.

4. Easy license management: The agreement provides a centralized system for managing software licenses and assets, enabling customers to track their software usage and entitlement.

5. Access to support services: Customers have access to IBM`s technical support services, enabling them to troubleshoot and resolve issues quickly.

How does Passport Advantage work?

To participate in the Passport Advantage Agreement, customers must enroll in the program and agree to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Once enrolled, customers can purchase IBM software products, updates, and support services through their authorized IBM reseller or directly from IBM.

Customers have the option to choose between perpetual and subscription licenses, and can purchase licenses for individual products or product suites. Customers also have the flexibility to add or remove licenses as their business needs change.

In addition to software licenses, customers can purchase support services, including technical support, software maintenance, and access to IBM`s knowledge base and online support forums.


The Passport Advantage Agreement is a comprehensive licensing program that provides customers with a flexible and simplified way of purchasing software licenses and managing software assets. It offers various benefits, including simplified purchasing, flexible licensing options, volume pricing discounts, easy license management, and access to support services.

If you are interested in participating in the program, you can enroll through your authorized IBM reseller or directly with IBM. By doing so, you can streamline your software procurement and management, and ensure that you have the necessary licenses and support services to meet your business needs.

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